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    Newport Collection


    James Bond Destinations

    kr 1 929
    Gratis frakt over 700kr


    In 1962, James Bond made his debut on the big screen in Dr. No, setting a cinematic standard as the globetrotting secret agent 007. From London to Jamaica and beyond, Bond's adventures have spanned the world, taking audiences to over a hundred real-life locations in the past six decades.

    In James Bond Destinations, explore the iconic places that have played a pivotal role in Bond's jet-setting journeys. Each chapter offers insider insights and unforgettable scenes, like Ursula Andress emerging from Jamaican waters, Daniel Craig's high-speed car chase in Rome, and Roger Moore's epic showdown on a Sugarloaf cable car in Rio.

    In the early to mid-1960s, when international travel was a rarity, Bond films captivated audiences, igniting dreams of glamorous vacations and solidifying the franchise as a trusted guide to adventure. Barbara Broccoli, daughter of the original Bond producer, recalls how her father aimed to transport people on magical adventures.

    As travel became more accessible, the Bond experience evolved to stay ahead. Producers like Michael G. Wilson found new, unseen locations or transformed well-known places into spectacular settings, ensuring each Bond film continued to deliver the thrill of exploration. For example, the streets of Rome in Spectre required meticulous blocking, and Venice's Grand Canal closed for the first time in centuries for Casino Royale, allowing Daniel Craig's Bond to sail unobstructed.

    • Assouline

    • 97187

    • B: 25,1 x L: 33 x D: 3,9 cm

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    kr 1 929